Code of conduct


SystemKosmetik supports the sustainability initiative of the German chemical industry (Chemie3) and is committed to sustainable development in the chemical industry.

This Code of Conduct defines our requirements with regard to general business principles and fair competition, labour and social standards, environmental protection and product safety, which SystemKosmetik also requires suppliers and service providers to comply with.


1. Compliance with laws, recognised standards and guidelines

We comply with the laws applicable to us in all our business dealings.


2. Prevention of corruption

We do not influence business partners through the exchange of gifts or other benefits and
do not accept them.


3. Cartel and competition law

We do not enter into any price or condition agreements with competitors.


4. Confidentiality and data privacy

We comply with applicable data protection regulations and treat all data provided to us as strictly confidential.


5. Export und Import

We comply with applicable import or export control laws.
Labour standards


6. Occupational safety and health protection

We ensure a safe, healthy and hygienic working environment and take the necessary measures to prevent accidents and damage to health that may arise in connection with the work.


7. Working hours

We record all working hours and adhere to statutory working time regulations. Planned overtime is requested from employees at least 24 hours in advance. Employees can refuse this overtime without negative consequences.


8. Salaries and social benefits

We pay our employees at least the statutory minimum wage and pay the statutory social benefits.


9. Education and qualification

We promote the skills of our employees through suitable training and further education programmes.


10. Complaints mechanisms

We set up communication channels for employees to report possible unlawful behaviour.


11. Human rights

We respect and support the observance of human rights.


12. Dealing with child labour

We comply with the applicable laws on child and youth work.


13. Dealing with forced labour

We do not utilise any work that has been performed involuntarily under threat of punishment, including forced overtime.


14. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

We enable and authorise the free and independent association of employees for the purpose of


15. Disciplinary measures and dealing with employees

We treat employees with dignity and respect and only apply sanctions, fines, other penalties or disciplinary measures that are permitted by law.


16. Dealing with discrimination

We refrain from any form of discrimination, for example on the basis of ethnic, national and social origin, skin colour, gender, age, religion and ideology, political activity, membership of an employee organisation, disability, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.
Environmental protection


17. Environmental and climate protection

The protection of people and the environment is an integral part of our corporate policy. We minimise environmental pollution, observe environmental and climate protection with regard to applicable legal requirements and continuously improve them.


Waste and emissions

We reduce any generation or disposal of waste. We maintain processes and systems that sustainably optimise the use of all relevant resources such as energy, water and raw materials.


18. Process safety

We comply with applicable safety standards and take measures to prevent incidents.


19. Product safety

We comply with legal requirements for product safety.


20. Clinical studies and animal protection

SystemKosmetik does not carry out or commission any animal testing.


21. Conflict minerals

We do not buy any products containing metals whose source minerals or derivatives originate from conflict and high-risk areas where they contribute directly or indirectly to the financing or support of armed groups.


SystemKosmetik works towards the consistent dissemination of the requirements of this Code in its supply chains.